Scary Unplanned Pregnancy: Facing Financial Fears


Ashley had a list of reasons … an understandable list— and financial fears were at the top of that list. With working several jobs between herself and her partner, and the way our economy is, they can barely keep their family fed already. How could they possibly do it with another baby? Every grocery trip was a calculated effort—coupons clipped, sales compared, and hard choices made at the checkout line. They felt lucky to have enough food on the table. Gas prices meant that every trip had to be planned, and unexpected expenses—like a broken-down car or a sick child needing medication—sent their budget (and their mind) into chaos. The thought of adding diapers, formula, and medical bills to their already stretched income was overwhelming and seemingly impossible. Some nights, after a long day of juggling work and childcare, Ashley lay awake staring at the ceiling, running numbers in her head, trying to find a way, any way, to make it work. But no matter how she shifted things around, the math never seemed to add up. She couldn’t have a baby and financially afford to take good care of it. On top of that, the stress was already unmanageable and she questioned her ability to make it.

Having an abortion just made the most sense.

Until the veil was lifted….

Abortion Pill Reversal, but Financial Fears Looming

“I took the abortion pill and now I regret it, can you help me?” Those words sent our medical team into action. Calling providers and pharmacies and scheduling ultrasounds. Before the end of that workday, Ashley had already taken the first 2 abortion reversal pills. By the end of the week, she was back at LaVie, looking at her sweet baby on the ultrasound screen.

The next 2 months were filled with follow-up ultrasounds. At each one, her baby grew bigger and stronger; growing from the size of a sesame seed to the size of a pomegranate. Even though Ashley pushed past her initial list of reasons and chose to keep her baby, as Ashley’s baby grew, so did her financial concerns. “How will we afford everything a baby needs? We have nothing.” Ashley shared this concern with one of the LaVie nurses, who called to check on her progress. Her continued financial concerns were taken seriously, and LaVie’s team came together to gather essential items to help ease her financial burden. This is one way LaVie’s team gets to be the hands and feet of Jesus, supporting women with compassion and meeting practical needs thanks to the generosity of our community.

Not Just Pregnancy Support, but Financial Support

At Ashley’s last ultrasound, not only did she get to see her little “pomegranate”, but she also got a little added surprise! Waiting for Ashley that morning was a brand-new infant car seat, a pack and play, a baby bouncer and several bags filled with brand new baby clothes, blankets and toys. Along with a big box of diapers and wipes! She was so blessed by the generosity of our community!

Isn’t it just like our great God to take a fear and sniff it out in a blink of an eye? LaVie is more than just another medical clinic. We are a community and this community loves well! Oh, and little “pomegranate”, she is now a healthy “cauliflower” with lungs that are now capable of breathing and eyes that can open and close! What an amazingly beautiful gift life is and all praise and glory be to God!

From Financial Fears to Tangible Hope

Ashley’s story is one of resilience, fear, and ultimately, hope. But she is not alone in her struggles. Across the United States, thousands of women face similar situations every day, grappling with unplanned pregnancies while struggling to make ends meet.

It’s been reported that 75% of women seeking abortions in the U.S. are living at or below the federal poverty level. Many, like Ashley, are already parenting at least one child—60% of women who choose abortion are mothers. Financial strain is the leading reason cited for abortion decisions, with women expressing concerns about affording basic necessities such as food, housing, and healthcare. In an economy where inflation has driven up the cost of living, low-income families are feeling the pressure more than ever.

Ashley and her partner were already working multiple jobs, just trying to keep their current family fed. The addition of another baby seemed impossible. But when Ashley reached out for help, she discovered a compassionate community willing to stand in the gap. Studies show that women who receive such support are far more likely to choose life, demonstrating that financial concerns—while significant—can often be mitigated with the right resources.

Yet, the need remains great. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that nearly half of all pregnancies in the U.S. are unintended, disproportionately affecting lower-income women and communities of color. These women often feel trapped, believing abortion is their only option because they lack financial stability or emotional support. But stories like Ashley’s prove that when a community surrounds a mother with love, resources, and encouragement, choosing life becomes not just possible, but joy-filled.

Ashley’s journey didn’t end with her decision to continue her pregnancy. It was a daily walk through uncertainty, yet she found strength in the kindness of strangers who became friends. The simple act of providing a car seat, diapers, and baby essentials transformed fear into confidence.

Here for Her the Whole Way

What if every woman facing an unplanned pregnancy had the same support? What if every mother knew she wasn’t alone?

LaVie is more than just a clinic—it is a beacon of hope, a tangible representation of God’s provision. And little “pomegranate,” who was once a tiny sesame seed on an ultrasound screen, continues to grow, a beautiful reminder that life, no matter how unexpected, is always a gift.

Let us be the hands and feet of Jesus, ensuring that no mother walks this journey alone.

*name and identifiable information changed to protect patient privacy

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